It took a while for me to open my eyes. My dream last night was long and complicated. It involved a lot of people, well-known to me. But it left me feeling well. Now all I had to do was to get my eyes open, jump out of bed. I did not hear the dogs. But that changed quickly as I had my feet on the floor. Their barking sounded like someone had been beating them with a stick and I was about to set them free. Which of course was utter nonsense. Just overslept a bit, that was all.
After tending to the dogs, I enjoyed my breakfast. Fred still in bed, enjoying the warm bed on his own. But he did join us sooner than I thought. He announced he wanted to go and make photo´s in the snow. ´Good´, I said. ´I will let you go off on your own. No use to go with you as I already went there two days ago. You do your thing, I will be off to the other side.´
Once I had taken my bicycle I slowly started riding to the other side of the village. Our village is small, just around 4,000 people lve there. I passed the two windmills and went left, Then, at the end of the street I turned right. It was quite cold and I was happy I took my special cap and my shawl. I saw the road at the back was still covered in snow. I have to go slowly, it could well be slippery. At this end the castle of our village stands, clearly viewable as the shrubs had no leaves to cover it anymore in winter. I put my bike there and took some pictures. The back of the castle has the form of a quatre circle, with openings to the side. That way you have a view of the courtyard, but only a little. The castle is on a kind of artificial hill. I took my bike and went on foot. Left of me the farm with its typical colors on the windowblind, indicating it belonged to the farm since heaven knows when. I saw four container with shrubs in it. They seemed like nowadays guards minding the gate and all who entered..
A man approached from the other side. As I came closer I saw him observing me. He wore a hat and a long wax coat. A beagle dog on the leash accompanied him. The dog was sniffling about the snow. The man was still watching me, but I noticed he wanted to walk towards the bridge and the big enterance. ´You must be living here´ I said to him, pointing at the door. ´Yes, I do.´ ´It must be very special´, I said. ´Or maybe it is quite normal to you...´ ´Well, we have lived there for a long time.´
´Still´, I insisted.´With this snow it is amazing, very inspiring.´ He did not seem to agree, I watched his shoulders go up in a disagreeing manner. Then he turned and went in. It made me wonder. In summer we had visited the inside of the castle. Quite rare, as it was being lived in by a family.
And of course they were not that keen on having strangers about the place. We did get a chance to see the Great Hall, which was obviously huge and high. A big fireplace and an enormous table. I rather liked the courtyard. They did have a lot of roses against the walls and the towers were vast and the walls were thick. The castle was build to last and able to defend the people living there and some more against the enemie, even acrosse the river close by. It used to belong to a distinguished nobleman and his family. During a period in which the Spanish King Philop was still in charge noblemen of our country rose against his government, claiming that the people of the Netherlands, half of them protestants and half catholic wanted to be free. The king did not like that at all and as a result two of them were executed in Brussels to frighten off others who had simular ideas. It did not help as it was the start of the change that freed our country from the foreign ruler. One of the executed noblemen was the Earl of Horn, who resided in our castle. Sadly his widow was deprived of all her husbands belonging, including his castle, the farms and windmills. Meaning she had a lot less income and no place to stay, basicly.
The nobleman I met today was not of the same family. I am afraid his influence is no longer the same as of the notorious previous inhabitant of the castle. But he did look the part in his coat, hat and with just the right kind of dog...His reaction to my question made my mind drift off. For me it was easy to get inspired by the medieval building and the bridge, the big farm with it gardens, the lane and the park-like garden surrounding everything. Maybe it was not that inspiring to him anymore....
I looked at the windows, above the entrance to the left. What would it feel like to live there. Espacially in the wintertime? The walls could be thick, but unlike a modern home no isolation installed, I assumed. And these were the more convenient parts, the one that had been modernised to live in. What about the Great Hall. Well, they told us, this was no area to be seated cosy and have a nice family evening. Too big, to cold...
Heating it would not be an option. And then...all these people in the garden. Which in fact was like a park, open to the public. Meanwhile it had to be maintained. Old tress chopped or taken care of. The lawn mowed. The paths tended to. And the pond with its ducks. All these people walking their dogs. They left ´stuff´ everywhere. I had to be careful to put my bike and watch my step...
And then there would be mice or even rats maybe, in the cellars. Or insects in the wood of the ceilings or attic..I walked on, taking more pics of the farmgardens, the lane and the trees.
I heared a bunch of other dogs approaching. Two women came walking with three dogs. One ran ahead of the others, while one of the ladies shouted at him. ´Hello´ I said, greeting the dog, stretching my hand out. ´Don´t worry, I got one just as jolly at home, I am used to it.´ ´I just don´t want him bothering people who dislike that...´ the women replied. ´I understand, but it is no problem. ´Your dog is a mix, ain´t it? Beautiful blue!´ It turned out to be a Labrador-Border Collie dog. ´Ours is a Dalmation, he should not have such eyes really. But we love it. Normally he would have been put down...´ The women gasped...´Oh no...´they said. ´I am not that scared of something unusual. Working with mentally handicapped I am used to that kind of thing. If all the ´strange things or persons´ would be eliminated, what world would we end up with?´ They both agreed and had to move on. The dogs were impatient. As I entered the red gate of the park, an elderly couple came out. They smiled at me. I returned the favor.
I decided to take the path closest to the side of the castle. There were some special shrubs and trees I wanted to check out first. I was drawn to a colour at first. This special one was in bloom in full winter. Just hoped I could catch the flowers. They were magical...
Just next to it another...bearing shiny red berries. Ah, this would be problematic. Berries are a nightmere to photograph. They never came out right...I decided to try anyway...Just the right background and angle. I did take several to make sure. It did seem all right. Loved their colour against the white everywhere...
As I turned around checking the photos I saw the snow at the other side of the path.
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